Everyone has someone to say thank you.

Actress Isis Valverde is the star of the short film "6,224 Thank-Yous", a part of the Coca-Cola Christmas campaign, which had appreciation as the theme for 2016.
The film mixes cinema and advertising languages to show, in an emotion-packed manner, the actress using the Coca-Cola Illuminated Caravan to thank the 6,224 residents of the city of Aiuruoca, her hometown, in the state of Minas Gerais.


As part of a Coca-Cola's 2016 Christmas campaign, we created the THX BOX, a reverse vending machine that allows customers to buy and send a commemorative Coke bottle for a person that deserves a special thank you this year. Customers can choose one of three versions of the special aluminum bottles and simply place them into the THX BOX machine.

After that, the machine invites the users to record a 'thank you' video for the person who will receive the gift and share it on social media. During the activation, a delightful surprise: the THX BOX was used to send a wedding proposal.


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